Contact Person : Julia
Phone Number : 86-18037871307
WhatsApp : +8618037871307
December 17, 2018
Steel Poles of 230kv Transmission Line in the Democratic Republic of Congo passed all FAT Test
On December 16, 2018, the steel poles FAT test for project 20kv transmission line in DR-Congo were
carried out in our company's steel pole test workshop. Participating in the test were representatives of
the Spanish EPC and representatives team from the Democratic State Grid of DR- Congo.
A total of six representatives came to witness the results of the FAT test. There had 6 types
of steel pole were carried out the FAT test. Items of FAT test includes: Material Test, Proofing
Test and Loading Test. Customers are very satisfied with the test results of our products.
The higher test results show that the product quality of our steel poles is very reliable.
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